The story begins with a man surrounded by guards, he is about to be hanged in a railroad bridge in Alabama, thinking about his family, a guard lets go with his feet the plank in which the man was standing, then the man falls into the river.
Sofía Raquel Zelaya Flores 11th A
The man is Peyton Farquhar, owner of slaves and supports the Confederate. We go back to the past, a man dressed as a Confederate soldier goes to Farquhar's plantation and tells him that they have taken over the Owl Creek Bridge, but he isn't a soldier, he is a Union scout.
Returning to the present, Farquhar fell into the river and removed the rope around his neck, but a group of soldiers are trying to shoot him and chase him thrugh the river, the stream of water takes him away of the soldiers, then he runs into the woods.
Faquhar continuous walking through the woods, he is exhausted and his neck is hurting, but his determination keeps him awake and walking, he is thinking only in getting into his house and see his wife.
He finds himself in front of his house and plantation after walking all night long, he feels tired but sees his wife, Mrs. Faquhar, coming and about to welcome him, when he hugs her, something happens...
He feels a shot in his neck, all Faquhar had seen was a vision seconds before his death, at the end, the rope didn't cut off and he has hanged to death because he got accused for attempting to the destroy the bridge, at the Owl Creek Bridge.