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  • After that, Clover discovered some things that Mollie had received from humans and had hidden from the animals of Animal Farm. Three days later, Mollie disapeared and everyone decided to consider her a traitor.
  • Clover said that she had seen Mollie looking over the hedge talking to a human and decided to confront her and ask what she was doing.
  • I think I saw you talking to one of Mr. Pilkingston's workers and allowing him to stroke your nose.
  • That's not true! Your lying! I wasn't!... I don't know why I'm talking to you, I'm gone.
  • In January there came hard weather. Many meetings were held and it was decided that the pigs should decide all questions of farm policy and the other animals had to vote for a solution. This would have worked if it wasn't for the disputes between Snowball and Napoleon.
  • I think...
  • They always interrupt me
  • Four legs good, two legs bad!
  • Four legs good, two legs bad!
  • Well done sheep, now everyone will stop listening to Snowball and will go for my plan.
  • Snowball had been reading a lot and studying, his plans for the farm were very innovative. so all the animals of the farm were absolutely amazed with the graphics and the images Snowball showed them.
  • It will operate a dynamo and supply the farm with electrical power, which could be useful for a lot of things.
  • WOW
  • Snowball drew his plans for the windmill, covering half of the floor, everybody could go and look at them. Napoleon was against the windmill, so one day he arrived to examine the plans; sudenly he lifted his leg, urinated over them and walked out withouth uttering a word.
  • The farm was divided between Snowball's thoughts and Napoleon's opinion. Snowball thought that the windmill will saved so much labour and Napoleon said that they needed to increase food production and the windmill was not necessary at all.
  • Vote for Snowball and the three-day week!
  • Vote for Napoleon and the full manger!
  • Apart from the disputes over the windmill, there was the question of the defence of the farm. Napoleon thought that they had to train themselves in the use of firearms, while Snowball thought that they must stir up rebellion among the animals on the other farms.
  • If we don't defend ourselves, we are bound to be conquered.
  • If rebellions happened everywhere, we wouldn't need to defend ourselves.
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