Person who sees the ghost points it out to everyone else
Shows a memorial service (Use a fake grave) Over the shoulder shot and establishing shot (OUTSIDE)
Ghost appears behind the first person who saw it
Half the ghost is where the grave was Medium shot and face shot **Person who sees the ghost gets scared** (OUTSIDE)
Ghost taps the person on the shoulder
The ghost disappears Medium shot and wide shot (OUTSIDE)
Looks back at the grave and theres ketchup on the grave
Ghost appears behind the person who originally saw the ghost and taps them on the shoulder (Outside)Over the shoulder and pov shot from the ghosts angle
Ghost taps the person who originally saw the ghost on the shoulder and they get scared and turn around and the ghost isnt there (Outside) Medium shot and extreme closs up of the ghosts finger
when the person who was tapped on the shoulder looks back at the grave theres ketchup all over the grave (OUTSIDE) Over the shoulder and a close up shot