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How To Be A Smart Consumer

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How To Be A Smart Consumer
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  • Ho-ho thanks a lot! Do you accept payment through card?
  • Aaand your petroleun tank is now full again. That will be 1000 rupees sir.
  • Yes, we do.
  • Now you see, i am a bit primitive so i don't really know how to handle credit cards. Can you do it for me?
  •  I see. Let me check my card and tell it to you.
  • HAHA! I hit a jackpot this time. Time to scam this person.
  • Certainly! I will need your credit card number and its CVV to handle the purchase.
  • What's all the commotion?
  • I request you make it quick since you're keeping others waiting.
  • Ah you see, this young gentleman is helping me with payment. He said that he just needs my CVV and credit card number so i was giving it to him.
  • WHAT! Blasphemy!
  • Sir, that young man is tring to scam you. With the information he asked for, he can withdraw money from your card at ANY time .
  • You need to learn about Consumer Rights and be a smart consumer to avoid situations like this
  • It's fine, after all , I am also at fault for not knowing about Consumer rights and how to be a smart consumer
  • Thank You so much for informing me about Consumer Rights. I will study them further and spread awareness myself too
  • I am truly sorry for what i tried to do to you. 
  • I can't beleive you are taking advantage of someone because they are not aware. You should be better than this!
  • A consumer has the Right To Seek Redressal against unfair trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation of consumers. It also includes right to fair settlement of the genuine grievances of the consumer.
  • Yes. More and more awareness should be spread so that consumer can avoid getting scammed and exploited
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