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Norse Creation Myth title page
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  • Ymir was cruel and brutal. Eventually, Odin and the other gods couldn’t take it anymore, and they killed him together.
  • When Ymir died, his giant body formed the Earth. His blood became the sea, his flesh became the land, his bones the mountains and his hair the trees. Odin and the other gods used Ymir’s skull to form the sky, which is held up by four towering pillars.
  • Odin then gathered sparks from Muspell and used them to make the Sun and the Moon. When he made the Sun and Moon, he then set them in the sky. The Sun and Moon shone over the world, the ice began to melt more, and then plants and trees grew.
  • Babies represent the new humans being populated.
  • The greatest tree was the Yggdrasil, which grew at the center of the Earth. Its roots penetrated down to the bottom of creation and its leaves reached the top of the sky. Odin was satisfied with this world, and named it Midgard, ‘The Middle Land’.
  • The world still needed people in it. On one of his walks, Odin found two fallen trees, an ash and an elm. He took them, lifted them from the mud and made the first man and woman from them. Odin then breathed life into the beings, giving them reason, feelings, hearing and sight. The man was named Ask, and the woman was named Embla.
  • Ask and Embla sprang the entire human race. While the gods ascend into the heaven realm, Asgard, humans are tasked to look after Midgard, their home planet.
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