Once, when the good Saint PeterLived in the world below,And walked about it, preaching,Just as he did, you know,
He came to the door of a cottage,In travelling round the earthWhere a little woman was making cakes,And baking them on the hearth;
Can you give me one cake?
And being faint with fasting,For the day was almost done,He asked her, from her store of cakes,To give him a single one.
So she made a very little cake,But as it baking lay,She looked at it, and thought it seemedToo large to give away.
This is too big
Therefore she kneaded another,And still a smaller one;But it looked, when she turned it over,As large as the first had done.
Then she took a tiny scrapthe good saint got angry as he was hungry and faint and he said you are too selfish you don't deserve to dwell in human form.