Odysseus and his men arrive in Thrinacia to shelter from a storm brought by Zeus.
"'Old shipmates, our stores are in the ship’s hold, food and drink; the cattle here are not for our provision, or we pay dearly for it'."
The storm continues for a month with the wind coming and going, blocking the ship from leaving. The men are hungry but try to hold themselves away from the cattle and scavenge for whatever else they can discover.
As long as bread and good red wine remained to keep the men up... they would not touch the cattle... when all the barley... was gone, hunger drove them to... whatever fell into their hands; and lean days wore their bellies thin."
As food becomes difficult to scavenge for, Eurylochus makes a statement while Odysseus is resting. He convinced Odysseus's men, using death and hunger as an excuse, to eat the cattle of the sun god.
Comrades, You’ve gone through everything... All deaths are hateful to us, mortal wretches, but famine is the most pitiful... Will you fight it? Come, we’ll cut out the noblest of these cattlefor sacrifice to the gods who own the sky..."
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