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The story of Abraham

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Abraham and Sarah were old people that never have had kids until one day God talked to them and told them they will have many kids but they had to go to Canaan first.

They did what God said so they waited and waited but nothing happened. Until God told them to look up at the stars and that was how many children they will have

One day two men came knocking at their door telling Abraham and Sarah will have a children next year. A year later they had a child named Isaac which means He laughs.

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Abraham and Sarah were old people that never have had kids until one day God talked to them and told them they will have many kids but they had to go to Canaan first.

They did what God said so they waited and waited but nothing happened. Until God told them to look up at the stars and that was how many children they will have

One day two men came knocking at their door telling Abraham and Sarah will have a children next year. A year later they had a child named Isaac which means He laughs.

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Abraham and Sarah were old people that never have had kids until one day God talked to them and told them they will have many kids but they had to go to Canaan first.

They did what God said so they waited and waited but nothing happened. Until God told them to look up at the stars and that was how many children they will have

One day two men came knocking at their door telling Abraham and Sarah will have a children next year. A year later they had a child named Isaac which means He laughs.

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Abraham and Sarah were old people that never have had kids until one day God talked to them and told them they will have many kids but they had to go to Canaan first.

They did what God said so they waited and waited but nothing happened. Until God told them to look up at the stars and that was how many children they will have

One day two men came knocking at their door telling Abraham and Sarah will have a children next year. A year later they had a child named Isaac which means He laughs.

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Abraham and Sarah were old people that never have had kids until one day God talked to them and told them they will have many kids but they had to go to Canaan first.

They did what God said so they waited and waited but nothing happened. Until God told them to look up at the stars and that was how many children they will have

One day two men came knocking at their door telling Abraham and Sarah will have a children next year. A year later they had a child named Isaac which means He laughs.

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