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  • The Message...
  • POOF!
  • Dawn will kill you...
  • Oh no!! What shall I do!!
  • Gotta RUN!!
  • I'm sorry. We have looked high and low..but Queen Margret is nowhere to be found.
  • The Journey
  • Once there was a beautiful queen named Margret. She, her family, and her sevants lived in a big, lovely castle. One day she got a message from a goddess that dawn would kill her.
  • Help is Here!!
  • Looking for shelter? I know the perfect cave.
  • I would do no such thing! You're a liar!!
  • The queen had a daughter, named Dawn (what a coincidence). For Dawn would do nothing to hurt her mother. Dawn poured out in tears when she found out that her mother, Queen Margret, had ran away.
  • Shelter at Last!
  • I'm hungry! Go get me an expensive dinner!
  • Queen Margret traveled as far as she could. As far away from the kingdom, and as far away from death as possible!
  • The Croak...
  • While Queen Margret was looking for shelter she met a winter mermaid (you don't find those often). The mermaid helped Queen Margret find shelter!
  • Thank you!! I've been looking all day!
  • So Queen Margret waited, and waited, and waited. For years and years she lied in the cave waiting for a sign of freedom. Soon she rotted into an unknown monster! Her skin began to dry out as if it were bark! Her hair started to rot!
  • AHHHHHHHH!!!! What happened to me!!
  • One morning, as Queen Margret peeked outside the cave to see if it was raining...she collaped as if she had fainted! For it wasn't Dawn that would kill her, it was the strike of dawn. The sun had blinded her now tender eyes. For that morning the sun was as bright as a the heavens. And she lies there waiting for night to come...
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