Amy is insecure of her body as she doesn't look like another girl in her class which she thinks she is drop-dead gorgeous as she gets so much attention from everyone in the school
no Amy, you don't look fat at al you look gorgouse no matter what other peopel say or think of you.
Hey Grace,do you think I look fat in this outfit i am wearing today?
Amy The first step is to identify and then challenge your negative beliefs about yourself. Make a note of both the statement and the evidence, and refer back to it frequently to remind yourself that your negative beliefs about yourself are false.Identify the Positive About Yourself It is also a good idea to write down positive things about yourself, such as being good at sports or having nice things said about you. Remember these things when you're feeling down and remind yourself that you're not all bad.
Grace is giving Amy some tips to improve her self esstem as she isn't confident in himself
Ok, thank you for giving me these really usful tips I wil try to chnage how I see my self
Amy if you have a low self-esstem a few things you can do to improve it is to take care of yourself inside and out.Do things you enjoy. Start by making a list of things you like to do. Spend time with people who make you happy. Don't waste time on people who don't treat you well. People like your friends or family members are people you can talk to.
ok, I understand where your coming from but what about my self confidence in my self
Grace is trying to help Amy with how she sees herself as it isn't healthier for her to keep on seeing herself like this
Grace can you think of any strategies on how you see your body image?
Just a few strategies Amy can take in consideration about how she sees her body image
Some strategies too improve how you see your body image by surround yourself with people who are beautiful on the inside,Spend more time in your own skin,Focus on the positive,Wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself andStaying active are just a few strategies.
Grace is trying to help Amy with how she can be more resilient
Learning to relax,Practicing thought awareness,Learning from your mistakes and failures,Choose your response,Maintainingperspective,Set yourself some goals andBuild your self-confidence are just a few ways to be more resilient.
Thank you so much Grace, but I have one more question for you do you have any strategies on how to be more resilient?
I am kind,hardworking,beautiful just the way I am, creative, clever and a lot more
Amy had finally came to the realization that she is amazing no matter what people have to say which is all that Grace has been wanting her to realize
YEAH, thats what I want to hear.You talking highly about your-slef I am so proud of you Amy!