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Monsters Assignment

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Monsters Assignment
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  • DId you guys see that shape fall from the sky?
  • Yeah! It looked like the moon was crashing down!
  • AAAAAH This has to be a zombie apocalspse
  • What's Going on? The electricity is out, my phone won't work, my patients will DIE!
  • Everyone calm down!! It must have been a malfunction.
  • Robert's right. This isn't a emergency
  • This is a zombie invasion. They must have come in a space craft. That's what fell from the sky!
  • But what if he's right?
  • Stop speaking that nonsense, Billy. Don't believe him. He's 7.
  • Fiction comic books don't explain why it looked like the moon fell from space!
  • Where are we supposed to hide? There is nowhere to go. They'll find us!
  • They'll come and eat us alive! We need to hide!
  • Stop it Billy.All your comic books are fiction.
  • Does that mean that you're one of them? A zombie?!
  • It's green like the zombies!
  • Why did my scrubs just change color?
  • Hey what is that thing over there in the parking lot?!
  • Charles:What is that? It looks like came straight out of some movie!
  • Man:It has to be some kind of trick of the shadows. It can't be real!
  • Billy:It's the zombies' pets! They came for the doctor!! Run!!!
  • Docter:It's hideous! Someone please get rid of it!
  • Woman:What is that thing? It looks like a 3 headed dog!
  • This event would have a similar outcome to the Monsters are due on Maple Street because, it the act, all the neighbors went crazy and started turning on each other. For my act, the doctor's srubs turned green, like the zombies Billy was talking about. This could make them turn on her like in the other act.
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