we want congress to have the same amount of reps. no matter the size of the country
we think that the amount of reps. should be based off of population
Bigger states
smaller states
Roger Sherman
I have an idea! Lets split congress into two parts.The first part of congress would be the House of representatives which would be based off of population. The second part would be the Senate where every state would have two representatives
Today, thanks to Roger Sherman, we have something known as a "bicameral congress"
The Great Compromise:
we want congress to have the same amount of reps. no matter the size of the country
we think that the amount of reps. should be based off of population
Bigger states
smaller states
Roger Sherman
I have an idea! Lets split congress into two parts.The first part of congress would be the House of representatives which would be based off of population. The second part would be the Senate where every state would have two representatives
Today, thanks to Roger Sherman, we have something known as a "bicameral congress"
The Great Compromise:
we want congress to have the same amount of reps. no matter the size of the country
we think that the amount of reps. should be based off of population
Bigger states
smaller states
Roger Sherman
I have an idea! Lets split congress into two parts.The first part of congress would be the House of representatives which would be based off of population. The second part would be the Senate where every state would have two representatives
Today, thanks to Roger Sherman, we have something known as a "bicameral congress"
The Great Compromise:
we want congress to have the same amount of reps. no matter the size of the country
we think that the amount of reps. should be based off of population
Bigger states
smaller states
Roger Sherman
I have an idea! Lets split congress into two parts.The first part of congress would be the House of representatives which would be based off of population. The second part would be the Senate where every state would have two representatives
Today, thanks to Roger Sherman, we have something known as a "bicameral congress"
The Great Compromise: