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  • 1st day
  • Welcome to the retreat!
  • middle of the day
  • ending of the day
  • Last week there was a church retreat for me. People I knew attended and some of my friends surprisingly showed up I was excited because I was able to hangout with my best friend who I hadn't seen since my 8th grade promotion for two days along with others who I hadn't seen since 7th grad e before Covid hit. It was going to be a retreat from 7 am-10 pm which was long but I was looking forward to it.
  • 2nd day
  • I sat down at a table with my friends and it was really fun for the first 30 min. During that time I saw someone I knew and was excited to have a good day and see them mostly. Lets just say it didn't go as expected. My friends and I got separated I knew no one from my table which kind of sucked and my leader I wasn't sure liked me. The first hour was really boring and then break came which was decent during the hour they had been talking to us about how church works and about god. Break came but then I saw things that bothered me which made me upset and I wanted to go home. This continued the second and third hour and my day was being dragged.
  • middle of the day
  • Then the teens got to give us some "pep talks". It was a little more comforting having them speaking t us then the adults because they related to us more and I started to enjoy it I started talking more with the people in my group and getting comfortable with them and it was really nice we confessed and everything although I was still really upset my best friend was there with me which made it better. The leaders were having discussions with us which was nice but it was nicer being able to bond with people and getting advice that we can us in the future and afterwards we had a mass which was beautiful and made me cry which was surprising because I dont really cry and less at church i'm usually tired or bored which I know is bad but that's why I'm going and trying to build a closer relationship with god. After the mass though our parents came to pick us up after a long day.
  • end of day
  • Sunday rolled around and we went back to the same group it was nice being able to have built a friendship with the group and the day went by smoother it was mostly teens but a few adults they made shows which kind of scared me because like people were getting thrown which was really dramatic and they were crying from it. Then we had breakfast and I was more calm this day and not that upset I did like twice but besides that it was good I was able to sit with my best friend because his leader allowed him to .
  • After breakfast we went to a room with pure girls and we were given a talk. We were laughing once we got more comfortable and opening up to each other. The guys also went to their own separate room. My friend and I kind of talked about it afterwards on face time which we shouldn't have but we did and he told me kind of what the talked about and so did I. When we were done we took a break which I was playing basketball and eating ice cream with friends.
  • After the pep talks we went to the mass of 5:30. It was in English which was kind of hard for me to understand but it was good I was sitting with my friends which we shouldn't have done because they told us to stay in order to later find out the reason we were supposed ti sit together was because we were going up to present ourselves. I was nervous because I had't done public speaking since like 7th grades I was nervous but I ended up speaking in Spanish and it went good I didn't really mess up which was good. I was able to get the bread and wine which is the body and blood of Christ and then I was able to say goodbye to all my friends. My family was at the mass and after I was able to go with them and they got me roses and we took photos and came home and spent the day together.
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