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"Parable of the Sower" by Octavia E. Butler Part 3

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"Parable of the Sower" by Octavia E. Butler Part 3
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  • "The couple with the baby had camped near us... 'Do you think they want to wash?' I asked Harry and Zahra... 'Do either of you mind if I invite them over?'... 'They have better gear then we do. And they have no natural allies around here except us.'... I got up and went over to the couple... 'Hello. If you two would like to take turns bathing, you can come over and join us. That might be safer for the baby.'... 'What the hell do you really want?' he demanded." -Page 207, 208
  • "We built a fire and had a hot meal last night, but the mixed family did not join us. I didn't blame them... I was there, sitting still with the gun in my lap when I spotted movement perhaps a long city black up the beach. Dark forms against pale sand. More dogs. Three of them... But the dogs stopped at the camp of the mixed couple. I remembered the baby and jumped up. At that same moment, the baby began to cry... I stopped, slipped the safety, and as the third dog went in toward the baby, I shot it. The dog dropped without a sound. I dropped, too, gasping, feeling kicked in the chest." -Page 208, 209
  • Doe and Grayson
  • "I heard shouting. The bald gang from the highway was almost on us- six, seven, eight people. I couldn't do anything while I was dealing with the pain, but I saw them... Bankole had our only other gun away from camp... I saw Bankole grab Tori and all but throw her to Jill. Jill caught her, turned, and ran back toward camp with her. We had only the scarred trees to retreat to, but they had thick, solid- looking trunks. An attacker fired several bullets into them as we reached them. It took me several seconds to understand that someone was shooting at us." -Page 296, 297
  • Natividad
  • "Jill Gilchrist is dead. She was shot in the back as she ran toward the trees carrying Tori. Bankole didn't tell me, didn't want me to know before I had to because, as it turned out, I was wounded myself. I was lucky. My wound was minor. It hurt, but other than that, it didn't matter much. Jill was unlucky. I found out about her death when I came to and heard Allie's hoarse screaming grief." -Page 298
  • Travis
  • Allie
  • Tori and Jill
  • Bankole and Emery
  • "There's a well with an old-fashioned hand pump under the rubble of an outbuilding. It still works... Bankole owns this land, free and clear. There's a huge, half ruined garden plus citrus trees full of unripe fruit. We've already been pulling carrots and digging potatoes here. There are plenty of other fruit and nut trees plus wild pines, redwoods, and Douglas firs." -Page 318
  • "Nothing we find farther north will be any better or any safer than this. It will be hard to live here, but if we work together, and if we're careful, it should be possible. We can build a community here."
  • Still traveling North through California, Lauren, Harry, and Zahra pass through a beach and decide to camp there. After bathing carefully, Lauren spots a couple who has a baby and quickly realizes that traveling in group is safer for the baby and for their well being. She is rejected however and the trio gather together to camp. Some dogs appear and begin to scavenge the campers and Laruen panics and quickly shoots one, in fear of hurting the baby. Her hyper-empathy kicks in and she drops to the ground, feeling kicked. The mixed couple now join the trio on their journey, thanking Lauren for her actions.
  • After having Travis, Natividad, and Dominic, their son, join the trio, they are quickly joined by a few others. They stumble across Jill and Allie Gilchrist, and then later meet Bankole. The group finds Emery and her daughter Tori and they join. They also come across Grayson and his daughter Doe. Together they would camp, eat, and protect each other. However, one day they are ambushed by pyro addicts and are forced to flee. While they run for it, firing behind them, Lauren is shot in the side and would later be unconscious. She later learns that Jill, Allie's sister, was shot in the back and bleed to death. The group mourn her and must continue to live in the harsh world they live in,
  • Realizing that danger lurks at every corner of the world, Lauren decides that there is no where to escape to. As a result, Lauren and Bankole plan have the group stay at some of Bankole's property, away from town and hopefully away from people who may endanger their lives. Lauren plans to create the first community of Earthseed in this place and tells the group her desires. After some arguing and discussing if making a community is really necessary and come to the conclusion that they have no choice, as everywhere else is crawling with pyro addicts. Lauren gives a hope of the group and for their future generations.
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