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Pangu and the Creation of the World

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Pangu and the Creation of the World
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  • In the beginning the world was a black egg filled with chaos. Everything jumbled together.
  • Inside this "egg" of chaos, Pangu emerged. In this egg, Pangu slept and grew for 18,000 years.
  • During the 18,000 years of growth he separated the light and lightweight, from the dark and dense.
  • When Pangu awoke from his sleep, he realized he was in this cosmic egg and cracked it.
  • When he cracked this egg, he pushed the heavens and the earth apart.
  • He was afraid that if he moved, the heavens and the earth would meld together again.
  • He stood between the two for 18,000 years, growing ten feet everyday.
  • As he did this, the earth and the heavens grew thicker and thicker.
  • When the heavens and the earth were 30,000 feet apart and seemed secure, he closed his eyes to rest. He was so exhausted from everything that he had done that he never woke again.
  • From his breath the winds and clouds were formed. From his voice came thunder and lightning.
  • From his eyes the sun and moon were formed.
  • From his arms and legs the directions of the compass came to being and from his nose, the mountain peaks were formed.
  • His flesh turned to soil and the trees on it,
  • his blood became the rivers and the bodies of water.
  • From his body hair and skin came the grass and the herbs.
  • From his bones and teeth came the minerals and precious gems.
  • The sweat on his body became the dew on the grass on the flowers.
  • From the hair on his head, came the stars in the sky.
  • From the critters on body...
  • ...emerged the different races of humankind.
  • Although Pangu is dead he lives on. The weather fluctuates through his moods.
  • When he's angry and sad, it thunders and rains
  • When he is happy a beautiful day emerges.
  • The End(:
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