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French Revolution

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French Revolution
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  • Cause #1: Taxes
  • I cannot afford the taxation from King Louis XIV!
  • Me either, I wish everybody had to pay tax and not just the Third Estate!
  • Cause #2: Starvation
  • I'm sorry I cant, I barley have enough to feed my family.
  • Can you please spare us some bread, Please my children and I are starving!
  • Cause #3: Enlightenment Philosophies
  • I wish our government gave us all equal rights.
  • The tax system before the French Revolution largely exempted the nobles and the clergy from taxes. The tax burden therefore devolved to the peasants, wage-earners, and the professional and business classes, also known as the Third Estate. Further, peasants were not aloud to even get petty positions of power in the regime, which caused them further resentment.
  • Tennis Court Oath
  • We must swear that we will continue meeting until we have a new constitution!
  • One of the causes of the French Revolution was starvation. Bread was a staple in the french diet in the 1700's. Due to a bad winter not that much wheat was harvest so that means not a a lot of bread. This made breads cost sky rocket. The price of a single loaf of bread was a whole months worth of wages, this made a lot of people starve and people were desperate to get food so they would do pretty much anything to achieve that.
  • Storming of the Bastille
  • Another cause of the French Revolution was Enlightenment ideas. they wanted to make progress toward a better society than the one they had inherited. Reason, natural law, hope, progress—these were common words to the thinkers of the Enlightenment. The ideas of the Enlightenment would become a force for reform and these ideas helped inspire the French Revolution.
  • Women's March to Versailles
  • We demand you let us in here, We need to talk to Louis XVI!
  • On June 17, 1789, the Third Estate boldly declared that it was the National Assembly and would draft a constitution. Three days later, on June 20, its deputies arrived at their meeting place, only to find the doors had been locked. They then moved to a nearby indoor tennis court and swore that they would continue meeting until they had a new constitution. The oath they swore is known as the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Louis XVI prepared to use force against the Third Estate. On July 14, 1789, about 900 Parisians gathered in the courtyard of the Bastille which was an old fortress used as a prison and armory. They stormed the Bastille, and after four hours of fighting, the prison warden surrendered. The rebels cut off the warden's head and demolished the Bastille brick by brick. Paris was abandoned to the rebels.
  • On October 5, thousands of Parisian women armed with broomsticks, pitchforks, pistols, and other weapons marched to Versailles. Some of the women then met with the king. They told him their children were starving because there was no bread. These women forced Louis to accept the new decrees.
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