Ryan lives in a world without peace He is upset and furious because of death and destruction. He wants this to stop and he wants to find a soloution.
The ultimate boon
There is a bad war with many dead and people upset. This is when Ryan starts to act. he hopes that it will solve what most people are going through.
Refusal of the return
Ryan is trying to change a law so that it will stop the wars and stable the economy. He hopes that i will impact the world in a positive way. And hopes to learn about what other things laws he may want to try to pass in the future.
The return
Ryan wins in court and ends up passing a law to benefit everyone that will stop wars and poverty for more world peace. He hopes that now this law has passed that it will hopefully solve a lo of peoples problems.
Ryan is upset because he knows he needs a break. But he is very determined to continue work. this is where he is thinking about returning but wants to keep helping people.
Ryan returns home for a brief break after a long week. He stays with his parents after helping lots of people it has been very rough. He will continue to help people after his break