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the good Samaritan

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the good Samaritan
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  • Jesus was talking to the people, they wanted to know what Jesus meant by love your neighbor as yourself so Jesus told them a story about 'the parable of the good Samaritan'
  • A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, it was a beautiful and peaceful day.
  • until.... 2 robbers snuck up behind the innocent man, stripped him of his clothes, stole from him, and beat him many times, they left him half dead and ran away
  • after a while, a priest walked by, saw the man, and kept walking! soon after a Levite came walked by, saw the man, and kept walking... there was no hope, until a Samaritan came by with his donkey he saw the man suffering, and put bandages and special oils on his wounds to help him.
  • the Samaritan put the man on his donkey and brought him to a inn to get nursed back to health, he paid for the man and left him in good care, even though his kind and the mans kind don't like each other he still helped him because he is a 'good Samaritan'
  • after Jesus was done with the story he asked the people who do you think out of the three was a neighbor to the man who got robbed? one of the people responded the one who had mercy on him Jesus replied go and do likewise!
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