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Animal Farm

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Animal Farm
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  • The Manor farm
  • Animals have been wronged!
  • On one night,
  • Animals have been wronged!
  • Animals have been wronged, comrades!
  • in the Manor farm, after the owner, Mr. and Mrs. Jones had gone to a deep sleep...
  • Animals have been wronged, comrades!
  • The animals of the farm held a meeting because Old major, a very respected old white boar, had a dream and wished to communicate it to the other animals
  • agreed!!
  • Animals have been wronged!
  • Rebellion!
  • Totally!
  • When mostly all animals were present, Old Major started to deliver his speech. He said "The nature of our life is very miserable. We are wronged by everyone. We do not have liberty and, comrades, liberty is the nature of this Earth! We are merely used and not regarded for who we are!"
  • Old major continued "Everyday we have to do a lot of hard-work so that this farm thrives. What are we rewarded with? Just enough food to keep us breathing! The humans need us for their work but we do not get any produce for our labour. Comrades, only one thing stands between us and liberty- Humans!"
  • "Now, comrades, we must fight for our rights. Imagine a world without human beings commanding us. We would not have to work hard, will have all the produce to ourselves and we will be happy! Thus, I forecast a rebellion against the human race. Let us fight for ourselves!!" Everyone agreed to this point and excitement spread. The meeting ended with high hopes and reciting motivational song called "Beasts of England".
  • Yeah
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