In the first scence we have the player waiting to play, the game will send them a ready check to ensure the player is present and ready to go, if no answer is given then the game will wait 10 seconds before sending another check. We will also ask the player for their name.
In this scene the ball has been thrown at the player, the player must tap their screen at the right moment, indicated by the green circle, if they tap to early they will miss, a standard hit is orange and a perfect hit is green. It is 5 points for a hit and -5 pointd for a miss.
Once the player hits a target amount of points they will progress to the next stage. Each stage the player starts on 0 points and the target points will increase.
In this scene we can see if the player taps too earlier or late that it counts as a miss. They will lose 1 life and also lose 5 points.
Lifes = 2
Points = 10Points Required = 20
In the final round the player points set to 0 and the target is 30, same as before a miss is -1 life and -5 points and a hit it +5 points.
Lifes = 1
Points = 0Points Required = 30
The final screen will show the players total points, their name and congratualtion messgaes.