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Global Warming Project

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Global Warming Project
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  • This is just an effect of global warming. Because of global warming going on right now, there hasn't been any rain.
  • Whoa! What happened here...?It's so dry everywhere.
  • Global warming is an increase in global temperatures that is believed to be caused by being a part of the effect of the Greenhouse effect.
  • The Greenhouse is a warming effect on the Earth's surface and the lower atmosphere from the sun. Those gases from the sun then gets reflected back into space getting the gases stuck in the atmosphere.
  • What's Global Warming?
  • What's the Greenhouse effect?
  • I know! It's terrible. And global warming happens when too much carbon dioxide and other air pollutants such as methane and nitrous oxide collect in the atmosphere and absorb solar radiation and sunlight that has bounced off of the Earth's surface.
  • That's crazy and so sad! What even causes global warming in the first place?
  • There is evidence saying that the increased levels of greenhouse gases must have definitely caused the Earth to be warmer. And in Antarctica, there are glaciers and sea ice that have melted and have started to melt. And that isn't great for the animal's that live in that environment.
  • There was also a chart that I saw of the Earth's carbon dioxide levels. Our levels have never been past a certain level since the 1950's. Now we're at levels that double that. That's terrible for the environment.
  • Well , do we know 100% that this is global warming? Is there evidence?
  • Oh no! Those poor animals!
  • Well, yeah. Global warming damages ecosystems a lot. Like the loss of sea ice in cold regions, intense heat waves, droughts, and the ocean sea levels rising.
  • Are there any effects of global warming?
  • Of course there are! You could recycle everyday, use less hot water, walk or bike instead of driving, turning off electronic devices, and adjusting your thermostat!
  • Of course I will!
  • That's great! I'm going to do every one of those now! Starting off with recycling. Wanna look around and pick any garbage that's on the ground? It'll help the environment!
  • That's horrible! Are there any ways we can lower the effects of global warming?
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