We strong brothers must find and end the terror of the killer by the name of Death
There is a mysterious killer terrorizing the town, Death!
Nooo Death won't let me go! He continues to torment me by keeping me alive. You will find him under a tree over there
Have you seen the killer, Death? We are looking to end his reign of terror.
The three friends are hanging out at the pub when they hear of a mysterious character that has been terrorizing their town. This killer is called Death.
If the other men are dead I will have the whole fortune to me!
The three men, on their way to find Death, come across an old man who tells his tale of how he begs to die, yet Death continues and torment him. The man tells the location of his dreadful fiend Death.
The three men go to the tree the old man guided them to and found a giant sum of gold. They were all rich!! They decided to split it three ways and sent the youngest man into town to get materials for their celebration. The other two men stayed there to protect the gold.
On his way back into town the youngest man decides he wants the money all to himself. He buys three wine bottles and puts poison in two of them to kill off the other men.
While the younger man is gone, the two older men decide to attack and stab him when he returns, so they cant split the money between only them two.
The younger man returns with the poisoned wine and the two older men stab him. To celebrate their increased wealth the two men drink the wine the boy brought back. Once they realize the wine is poisoned it is too late. They finally meet who they were looking for, DEATH!