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French Revolution

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French Revolution
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  • The Three Estates
  • Why do we have to pay all the taxes?!
  • France Is Bankrupt
  • More dresses!
  • We're out of money...
  • Maybe another palace?
  • National Assembly
  • There were three estates. The first two estates made up very little of the population while the third made up the entire population. The first and second estates had privileges that the third estate didn't have which was unfair. The third estate paid all of the taxes while the first and second paid nothing.
  • Radicals Take Over
  • The king and queen start spending tons of money on luxuries. As a result of their spending, the government finds its funds depleted because of the past money spent on wars.
  • Rise Of Napoleon
  • Louis XVI didn't want a written constitution, he wanted to use the military force against the National Assembly. When news of this broke out, people stormed the Bastille.
  • Napoleon's Legacy
  • The Convention takes over and abolishes monarchy. The Convention put the royal couple, the king and queen, on crime for betraying one's country. Louis XVI was guillotined on January 21, 1793. Marie Antoinette was guillotined on October 16, 1793.
  • WOO!
  • Napoleon invades kingdoms throughout Europe and starts making a name for himself as both a military leader and national leader. Napoleon reforms France, promotes religious toleration, opens jobs based on talent, and spreads enlightenment ideas throughout Europe.
  • Napoleon!
  • Napoleon!
  • There is now a Napoleonic Code: Equality of all citizens and religious toleration. There is a growth of Nationalism. Napoleon takes down the king of Spain and puts his brother in the throne. Spain is no longer a power and loses colonies in South America which leads to independence movements in Spanish colonies in America.
  • Equality!
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