Step 4: Discuss the negative aspects of the students. Avoid using harsh words or insulting the student. Try to discuss standards and what they are not achieving at.
On recent projects he doesn't seem to be fully trying to his best efforts. In addition, on recent tests I don't believe he has not been performing to his level of capacity.
Huh I didn't realize that! How can we fix this?
Are there any changes in his home environment that could distract David from school work? What motivation tools that were effective at home that I could you in the classroom?
I've been trying different ways to motivate him, but to no success. So, I wanted to ask your advice and see if there is any way you can think of to help David.
Step5: Discuss possible solutions and things that you've tried. Ask the parent for their valuable input.
Oh.. I wasn't aware of that. I think we could...
Hi Mrs.Tomaiko, here is the progress that David has made this past week. These solutions worked ... these did not... Any question?
step6: follow up the student's progress on a regular basis. Schedule meetings (physical or virtual). Discuss the student's improvements and follow up on attempted solutions.