You should change your economic system to capitalism!
I need to get more countries to support this economic system
No, you should switch to communism, everything is fair!
Haha, they don't know that I'm going to make sure that the democratic parties are outlawed.
I'm now allowing free elections.
I must contain his attempts at spreading his power and communism to other countries.
I'm going to give economic and military aid to countries to prevent the spread of communism.
I am going to provide economic aid and supplies to nations who resist communism!
This will diminish the appeal of communism and boost U.S. prestige.
I'm going to blockade West Berlin to force them into submission, and the U.S. can't stop me.
The Berlin Airlift will drop in supplies to prove democracy will last. Then, we will form NATO, which will protect from future Sovier aggression. It's a defensive alliance because it pledges military support and collective defense in case of an attack