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Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar
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  • Brutus you have condemned Lucius Pella for taking bribes. You did the wrong thing you shouldn't of condemned him.
  • Cassius and Brutus are arguing
  • Yes, anyone that takes bribes should be punished.
  • Brutus is making accusations
  • It had to be done.
  • Cassius, I accuse you of bribery. You were the one who first stabbed Caesar, which ended in his death.
  • Caesar was a very corrupt man, he would of destroyed Rome.
  • Brutus and Cassius are yelling at each other
  • You killed Caesar to stop him from becoming more corrupted but instead you guys ended up being just as corrupt as Caeesar.
  • IF you don't calm down I will kill you.
  • Cassius and Brutus are verbally arguing about bribery and if it is a serious crime or not.
  • Cassius makes a threat
  • Brutus and Cassius are fighting and accusing each other of different crimes.
  • What happened to Portia?
  • What happened to Portia?
  • Portia died, she killed herself.
  • Brutus and Cassius are arguing about why Caesar needed to be killed. Not everyone agree about killing Caesar and some people where pressured into agreeing with them.
  • What is going to happen in the batte?
  • But how did she kill herself and why?
  • Anyway, this battle that we are going to have to fight is going to be really challenging.
  • Brutus gets very angry and try's to hurt Cassius. Cassius pulls out a dagger and threatens Brutus.
  • Cassius wants to know what happened to Portia. Once Brutus finally calms down, he tells Cassius that she killed herself.
  • Cassius asks more questions about Portia death but Brutus avoids this conversation. Brutus doesn't want to talk about Portia at all. He doesn't want to relive what happened to her.
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