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To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird
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  • We should try to get Boo Radley out of his house!
  • Do you think these items are a sign of Boo?
  • Don't worry, Scout, it ain't time to worry yet,
  • Scout and Jem are raised by Atticus and Calpurnia, their housekeeper and nanny, due to the death of their biological mother. One summer Dill comes to visit his Aunt Rachel, who lives right across the street. The three children decided to keep a close eye on the Radley house the whole summer.
  • As Scout and Jem begin school again, the have to pass an oak tree on the way home. They begin to notice someone using the knot of the tree as a hiding spot. First they take 2 pieces of gum from the knothole. Then they gradually found two shiny pennies, a soap carving of the two of them, a spelling medal, a pocket watch, a chain, and a knife. The next day the knot was filled with cement. They come to found out their suspicion is true, Boo Radley was storing things in the knothole.
  • Maycomb County had two weeks of the coldest weather since 1885 that autumn. It was one of the first times Scout and Jem experienced snow. Miss Maudie's house went up into flames that night. Atticus intructed them to stand by the Radley's house and get out of the way. While the tw children were so invested in the fire, Boo saw Scout shivering and put a blanket around her. The two of them didn't notice until Atticus pointed it out.
  • Tom Robison is accussed for raping a 19 year old girl named Mayelle Ewell. Atticuss is appointed to Tom's case to be his lawyer. Jem, Scout, and Dill sit with the people of color on the balcony and secretely watch the testimony. Atticus almost wins the case but Tom Robison is a man of color so he if found guilty even though he is not. Later, Tom gets sent to prison and gets shot as he tries to escape.
  • As Scout and Jem are walking back from the Halloween pageant, they hear footsteps walking behind them. They don't begin to worry until the footsteps come running after them and tackles them to the ground. Jem breaks free and tries to pull Scout away from the man. In doing so Jem breaks his elbow and becomes unconscious. Scout makes a run for home and sees a random man carryimg Jem inside. The sheriff then announces that Bob Ewell was the man who attacked him and he lays dead with a knife in his rib. To her excitment, Scout finds out it was Boo Radley who carried Jem into the house and her wish of finally meeting him comes true.
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