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Religion Martin Luther Storyboard

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Religion Martin Luther Storyboard
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  • My name is Martin Luther
  • Selling indulgences is wrong!
  • My mother passed away, so I'm getting an indulgence for her so she gets into heaven
  • Why are you paying for a indulgence?
  • Next
  • I agree with Martin Luther.
  • This is ridiculous the catholic church isn't corrupt
  • 95 These 
  • What religion do you follow?
  • My name is Martin Luther, and I was born in Eisleben, Saxony Germany in 1483. My father wished for me to become a lawyer at the University of Erfurt, I obeyed his wishes and became a lawyer to assist my efforts to reform the Catholic Church. (1st person)
  • I follow protestant.
  • Indulgences for sale
  •  Martin Luther disagreed with the church's belief for numerous years and believed the church was corrupt. Luther especially didn't approve of indulgences, he believed that justification (salvation) was through faith alone, while the church made people pay for indulgences to be forgiven of their sins and be accepted into heaven. The money from the indulgences was used to build churches such as St Peter'sBasilica.
  • On behave of the catholic church I sentence you to heresy and Diet of worms
  •  To try and reform the church Martin Luther posted the 95 these on the door of the famous Wittenberg church. The 95 these spoke about the wrongs of the church, and soon message got around quickly of the 95 these. Shortly after everyone had an opinion on the matter of the Catholic Church.
  • We shall re-establish the church
  • As a result of the 95 these many people began to agree with Martin Luther and stop paying for indulgences. The church began to loss power and money as there were many more Religion starting to form across the world
  • The church was extremely unimpressed with the loss of power and money, which was mainly due to Martin Luther. As a form of punishment the church outlawed and excommunicated Luther and labeled him with heresy (Someone who goes against the Catholic Church, this was very serious in the early centuries). On top of those punishments Martin was given the Diet of Worms. After Martin Luther, many new Religions began to form across the globe splitting the Catholic Church.
  • The council of Trent was established to re-write the wrongs of the church and to try and gain back the power and wealth the church previously had. There were multiple stages in this act that occurred between 1545 and 1563. 
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