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History Class
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  • Of Course!
  • Egyptian Queen and People
  • Thank you for guiding us!
  • Egypts Pyramids
  • Okay, wait look at the pyramid! Its so strong
  • Son, join me in this horrible weather for water. (After son says stuff) Oh yeah, your right!
  • Egypts Throne
  • I'm just sleeping.
  • Okay, I shall help.
  • King! King! I need help my cat won't wake up.
  • This shows how Egyptians praised the person in charge of Egypt at the time. They had a lot of respect for whoever was in charge. The pharaoh guided them and helped them grow. Sometimes in negative ways and sometimes in positive ways.
  • Buildings in Greece
  • This place has so much beauty
  • Yeah
  • This shows the strength the pyramids had. They survived all kinds of weathers. Including, snow, rain, and storms. But no matter what the pyramid stayed up strong.
  • Isolated Areas
  • Mom, why are we isolated here?
  • So, we can stay safe from animals and intruders.
  • This shows where the pharaohs throne was. They would sit here waiting for someone to need them. Egypt loved cats so the pharaoh would have sculptures of them everywhere. Including next to their throne.
  • Difficult Weather They Faced
  • Weather is horrible!
  • Areas built like this with pillars were extra special to people in Greece because it was a sign it was there's. They loved to have their own beautiful statues because they values beauty a lot. They also loved these buildings because of its strength. The pillars gave the building strength.
  • This shows how a lot of people liked to isolate themselves. They isolated themselves because they thought it would keep them safe. Although it did sometimes it would be heard to be in such a small society. Sometimes they made there isolated areas on mountain and that was hard to maintain.
  • This shows how people from long ago had to deal through difficult weather. Weather included storms, snow, rain. People from long ago had to go through unimaginable weather. The horses also had to tread through these weather types.
  • Yeah, and I forgot my jacket!
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