the one and only god who brought existence to
existence. His name was Akir and he was just a normal person but wanted more in this universe Some of Akir's best work includes
Water, land, animals, light, the sky, and
Lastly Humans the most advanced thing ever made.
Akir made many other extra planets such as cextar
and foggarawhich consistedof these wet rocks
which were squishy. He took thousands of those
big rocks and squeezed them and made water
which didn'tstay as one solid state.
There now needs to
be land for creatures to walk and live on. Before he made water, he made land so there was something for the water to stay on.
When he put water he thought that humans couldn'tlive on sea, so he wanted to make bits of land for them to live on. He used clay to make bits of land and then he took a comet and heated it up which resulted to make grass and plants. He liked how humans could live on radiant pieces of land.
The first star to ever emit light was the sun and our god akir made it by going to another galaxy and taking a star. He smashed the star with the ball of land and the supernova gushes the sun into intense flames. The flames were so bright and strong that it even heated earth a little bit. Ofcourse he did all of this far away from earth.
Now everything in earth can now have light and their days can be shined up!
These are the two planets of cextar and foggara.
How he made
the one and only god who brought existence to
existence. His name was Akir and he was just a normal person but wanted more in this universe Some of Akir's best work includes
Water, land, animals, light, the sky, and
Lastly Humans the most advanced thing ever made.
Akir made many other extra planets such as cextar
and foggarawhich consistedof these wet rocks
which were squishy. He took thousands of those
big rocks and squeezed them and made water
which didn'tstay as one solid state.
There now needs to
be land for creatures to walk and live on. Before he made water, he made land so there was something for the water to stay on.
When he put water he thought that humans couldn'tlive on sea, so he wanted to make bits of land for them to live on. He used clay to make bits of land and then he took a comet and heated it up which resulted to make grass and plants. He liked how humans could live on radiant pieces of land.
The first star to ever emit light was the sun and our god akir made it by going to another galaxy and taking a star. He smashed the star with the ball of land and the supernova gushes the sun into intense flames. The flames were so bright and strong that it even heated earth a little bit. Ofcourse he did all of this far away from earth.
Now everything in earth can now have light and their days can be shined up!
These are the two planets of cextar and foggara.
How he made
the one and only god who brought existence to
existence. His name was Akir and he was just a normal person but wanted more in this universe Some of Akir's best work includes
Water, land, animals, light, the sky, and
Lastly Humans the most advanced thing ever made.
Akir made many other extra planets such as cextar
and foggarawhich consistedof these wet rocks
which were squishy. He took thousands of those
big rocks and squeezed them and made water
which didn'tstay as one solid state.
There now needs to
be land for creatures to walk and live on. Before he made water, he made land so there was something for the water to stay on.
When he put water he thought that humans couldn'tlive on sea, so he wanted to make bits of land for them to live on. He used clay to make bits of land and then he took a comet and heated it up which resulted to make grass and plants. He liked how humans could live on radiant pieces of land.
The first star to ever emit light was the sun and our god akir made it by going to another galaxy and taking a star. He smashed the star with the ball of land and the supernova gushes the sun into intense flames. The flames were so bright and strong that it even heated earth a little bit. Ofcourse he did all of this far away from earth.
Now everything in earth can now have light and their days can be shined up!
These are the two planets of cextar and foggara.
How he made
the one and only god who brought existence to
existence. His name was Akir and he was just a normal person but wanted more in this universe Some of Akir's best work includes
Water, land, animals, light, the sky, and
Lastly Humans the most advanced thing ever made.
Akir made many other extra planets such as cextar
and foggarawhich consistedof these wet rocks
which were squishy. He took thousands of those
big rocks and squeezed them and made water
which didn'tstay as one solid state.
There now needs to
be land for creatures to walk and live on. Before he made water, he made land so there was something for the water to stay on.
When he put water he thought that humans couldn'tlive on sea, so he wanted to make bits of land for them to live on. He used clay to make bits of land and then he took a comet and heated it up which resulted to make grass and plants. He liked how humans could live on radiant pieces of land.
The first star to ever emit light was the sun and our god akir made it by going to another galaxy and taking a star. He smashed the star with the ball of land and the supernova gushes the sun into intense flames. The flames were so bright and strong that it even heated earth a little bit. Ofcourse he did all of this far away from earth.
Now everything in earth can now have light and their days can be shined up!
These are the two planets of cextar and foggara.
How he made
the one and only god who brought existence to
existence. His name was Akir and he was just a normal person but wanted more in this universe Some of Akir's best work includes
Water, land, animals, light, the sky, and
Lastly Humans the most advanced thing ever made.
Akir made many other extra planets such as cextar
and foggarawhich consistedof these wet rocks
which were squishy. He took thousands of those
big rocks and squeezed them and made water
which didn'tstay as one solid state.
There now needs to
be land for creatures to walk and live on. Before he made water, he made land so there was something for the water to stay on.
When he put water he thought that humans couldn'tlive on sea, so he wanted to make bits of land for them to live on. He used clay to make bits of land and then he took a comet and heated it up which resulted to make grass and plants. He liked how humans could live on radiant pieces of land.
The first star to ever emit light was the sun and our god akir made it by going to another galaxy and taking a star. He smashed the star with the ball of land and the supernova gushes the sun into intense flames. The flames were so bright and strong that it even heated earth a little bit. Ofcourse he did all of this far away from earth.
Now everything in earth can now have light and their days can be shined up!
These are the two planets of cextar and foggara.
How he made
the one and only god who brought existence to
existence. His name was Akir and he was just a normal person but wanted more in this universe Some of Akir's best work includes
Water, land, animals, light, the sky, and
Lastly Humans the most advanced thing ever made.
Akir made many other extra planets such as cextar
and foggarawhich consistedof these wet rocks
which were squishy. He took thousands of those
big rocks and squeezed them and made water
which didn'tstay as one solid state.
There now needs to
be land for creatures to walk and live on. Before he made water, he made land so there was something for the water to stay on.
When he put water he thought that humans couldn'tlive on sea, so he wanted to make bits of land for them to live on. He used clay to make bits of land and then he took a comet and heated it up which resulted to make grass and plants. He liked how humans could live on radiant pieces of land.
The first star to ever emit light was the sun and our god akir made it by going to another galaxy and taking a star. He smashed the star with the ball of land and the supernova gushes the sun into intense flames. The flames were so bright and strong that it even heated earth a little bit. Ofcourse he did all of this far away from earth.
Now everything in earth can now have light and their days can be shined up!
These are the two planets of cextar and foggara.
How he made
the one and only god who brought existence to
existence. His name was Akir and he was just a normal person but wanted more in this universe Some of Akir's best work includes
Water, land, animals, light, the sky, and
Lastly Humans the most advanced thing ever made.
Akir made many other extra planets such as cextar
and foggarawhich consistedof these wet rocks
which were squishy. He took thousands of those
big rocks and squeezed them and made water
which didn'tstay as one solid state.
There now needs to
be land for creatures to walk and live on. Before he made water, he made land so there was something for the water to stay on.
When he put water he thought that humans couldn'tlive on sea, so he wanted to make bits of land for them to live on. He used clay to make bits of land and then he took a comet and heated it up which resulted to make grass and plants. He liked how humans could live on radiant pieces of land.
The first star to ever emit light was the sun and our god akir made it by going to another galaxy and taking a star. He smashed the star with the ball of land and the supernova gushes the sun into intense flames. The flames were so bright and strong that it even heated earth a little bit. Ofcourse he did all of this far away from earth.
Now everything in earth can now have light and their days can be shined up!
These are the two planets of cextar and foggara.
How he made