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The Capture of Father Time

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The Capture of Father Time
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Storyboard Description

A young cowboy named Jim goes to visit his uncle in the city, when he gets sent of a small journey to bring The Butcher's horse to a pasture. As he is on the horse playing with his lasso he accidentally catches Father Time and everything freezes. What will Jim do? Release Father Time and everything goes back to normal or keep Father Time and let the world stay frozen...

Storyboard Text

  • Jim was the son of a cowboy who lived in Arizona. His father trained him to lasso with perfect accuracy. When he was 12 years of age he made his first visit to his Uncle Charles who lived in the East. Jim took his lasso with him because he was proud of his skill and he wanted to show his cousins what a cowboy could do. 
  • Hi Uncle Charles! I'm good. I've been working on my lasso skills lately. My dad has been helping me.
  • Hi Jim. It's nice to see you again. How have you been?
  • Wow. You're amazing!
  • Yay Jim!
  • 3 days later... 
  • This is boring...
  • This is boring... 
  • As Jim was on a walk the town Butcher approached Jim asking a favor... 
  • Hi Jim I was wondering if you could do me a favor? Can you ride one of my horses to a pasture in the country?
  • Sure, I would love to!
  • What is my lasso stuck on?
  • Here, let go, I say! Can't you see what you've done? You've froze everyone! I'm Father Time!
  • I'm not letting you go. Your coming with me...
  • A spirit of mischief came into the boys head, so he tied Father Time to a pole and crossed the road to the grocery.
  • He turns on the tap for the molasses barrel.
  • That'll make a nice mess when time starts, molasses running all over the floor!
  • He put's mucilage in the unliked townsman hair. 
  • That'll probably surprise him when he wakes up!
  • He wrote a bad message for the students to do to the teacher.
  • Every scholar is requested to yell the minute he enters the room. Also please throw your books at his head. Signed Prof. Sharpe
  • That ought to raise a nice rumpus!
  • He now heads back to his tied up prisoner. 
  • If you let me go I promise I will not mow you down with my scythe.
  • All right, since you promised not to mow me down, I'll let you go. 
  • Once Father Time was released "With a rustle and rumble and roar of activity, the world came to life again".
  • FIRE!!!!
  • AH!
  • AH!
  • AH!
  • AH!
  • What did you do to my hair!
  • As he was riding around town on the Butcher's horse someone grabbed his leg and pulled him off the horse. 
  • What ye doin' here, ye rascal? Didn't ye promise to put that beast inter Plymton's Pasture? An' now I find ye ridin' the poor nag around like a gentleman o' leisure! 
  • That's a fact. I clean forgot about the horse. 
  • The End
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