The Fault in Our Stars has gained a following among tween and teen readers, as it provides young adults with a poignant way to explore the important questions of the human experience. From a literary perspective, it calls upon students to recognize a number of important metaphors and symbols while tracing the subtle character development of the protagonists.
Gus's unlit cigarettes represent power and control over his life. He believes, "You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing."
The Funky Bones art sculpture is a reminder of death. Although the children view it as a fun playground, they are overlooking the fact that death is all around them.
The grenade symbolizes pain and suffering. Hazel sees herself as a grenade, guaranteed to bring an explosion of pain to all those who love her. It is just a matter of time.
The swing set is a symbol of youth and childhood innocence. The swing set reminds both Hazel and Augustus of the carefree life they can never return to.
Amsterdam represents freedom for Hazel & Augustus. There, they are given the liberty to walk around by themselves like adults. For a few days, they escape the doctors and tests and simply enjoy themselves.
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