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The Space Conquest

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The Space Conquest
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  • 21 July 2019, in a class of sciences, in United States, ...
  • Hi, everybody, today, I will present the story of The Space Conquest, because today, is the 50th birthday of the first step on the moon, day for day
  • 21 July 2019
  • The Space Conquest
  • All of that start the 12th September 1962 ...
  • We choose to go to the Moon before the end of the decade, not beacause it's easy, but because it's hard
  • But, why he said, this sentence ? ...
  • 50 years before, after The Run to the Moon, Neil Amstrong walked for the first time on the Moon, ...At this time, It was a phenomenal advancement on the science and all the world see this first step of the Humanity on the Moon....
  • 16th July 1969, Cap Canaveral
  • During a very famous speech, the president of the moment, John Fitzgerald Kennedy ( JFK ) said this famous sentence, He launch, during this speech, the Run to the Moon...
  • The 21st July 1969, Moon, Sea of Tranquility
  • It was the cold war, and, in this argument, United Stats and URSS, were separated by their ideologies... It was the cause of the indirect argument enter United States and URSS ... 1 year before, the 12 April 1961, Youri gagarine, a sovietic, was the first human the go to space, ... In this context, USA get react and launch the Run to the Moon, ...
  • Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
  • The 16th of July, At cap canaveral, was Lauch Saturn V, the most powerfull rocket of this time and, a mythical rocket of the space conquest.... But this rocket was a the work of a decade because, to go to the Moon, the American governement create a agency, "The NASA" (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to manage the search about the space and ... This agency create 3 programs to the search : The first, Mercury, The second, Gemini, and the last and the most famous, Appollo.
  • The 21st July 1969, after a flight of 5 days, The Apollo Lunar module land on the Moon, in the Sea of Tranquility... All the world watch the fist step of Neil Armstrong on the Moon and all the world listen this famous sentence that he had said : « That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind ». The Apollo 11 mission had 3 members in the rocket : Neil Arrnstong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins... Only Two of there walked on the Moon : Amstong and Aldrin.
  • Few hours after Neil Amstrong walked on the Moon, while all the people celebrated the first step on the moon, a person came to the tomb of the president Kennedy and this person, left a note to the president ... That note said "they succed, President Kennedy". It is a tribute to the president Kennedy, the President that had launch the run to the Moon...
  • They succed, President Kennedy
  • I really hope this presentation was good, ...Thanks for your listening, ... Bye, at the next time...
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