Effort - Did you put your best effort into this project? Did you use your time wisely?
Attention to Details - Did you pay close attention to the lines, colors, and space you were working with? Meaning, did you make sure the colors work well together, they're blended well, and that the lines made are straight and resemble glass? Did you go over the lines with black marker?
Complete - Is it completely done?
Craftsmanship - Did you make sure all of your lines are made with a ruler? All white space is colored in? Your colors are blended well (and not streaky)?
Directions: read each category and look at your completed project. Give yourself a rating on how well you did by putting a circle around the box and explain why you got that score for each category. Make sure you are honest and truthful when giving yourself a rating. The score you give yourself will NOT be the score that goes into the grade book - it helps me grade based on YOUR growth.
Rubric for Self-Grading
Yes! I gave 110% every day on this project. There is nothing that needs to be fixed or changed!
Yes! All of my lines are straight. All of my colors are blended perfectly. All of my white space is carefully colored in correctly.
Yes! I made sure I took my time and completed everything to the best of my ability. I made sure the lines were perfect, black and white was blended perfectly with colors, and the black lines at the end were not rushed.
Yes! 100% complete and should be hanging in a museum!
I worked hard on this project but there are just a few things that I need to fix.
Most of my lines are straight. Most of my colors are blended well. Most white space is colored in.
I made sure that the colors are blended well, the lines are mostly straight, and the black lines on top mostly follow the pencil lines.
Yes for the most part! I just had a few things left to do (75%-95%)
I could of focused more on the project rather than talking or goofing off. There are many things that I wish I could have done better while working
Some of my lines are straight. Some of my white space is filled in but there is still some showing. My colors are not blended very well.
Some of my lines are well done - some are not. Some of my colors are blended well - some are not. Some of the black lines are on top of the pencil lines - some are not.
Kinda done - 75%-50% Completed
I spent all of my time talking and not working. I should have put more effort into my project. I will work better next time.
Little to none of my lines are straight. Little to none of my white space is colored in. Little to none of my colors are blended - the color is just on top of the other.
None of my colors are blended, no lines are straight, no black lines layer the pencil lines.
No - Not done. Less than 50% Done
STUDENT SCORE / WHY? Please put the number you gave yourself and WHY you gave yourself that number.
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