A lawyer came and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, and Jesus said to do what is written in the law. Then the lawyer asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" and Jesus told him this parable.
A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. During his journey, robbers stripped him of his belongings and beat him, leaving him there to die.
A priest was walking down the road and saw the beaten man, but continued to walk away. Later, a Levite also passed by the man and continued on his way; neither man offered their assistance.
Then, a Samaritan walked by and saw the man. Instead of walking away, he stopped and helped the man. He cleaned his wounds with oil and wine and bandaged them.
The Samaritan then put the injured man on his animal and brought him to an inn. He paid two denarii for the innkeeper to take care of him and also said he would pay for any other expenses needed.
This parable's message is to not judge a book by its cover and to not be prejudiced against anyone. The people we least expect can be the ones to offer help. Secondly, it teaches us that everyone is our neighbour and we should help anyone in need.
A lawyer came and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, and Jesus said to do what is written in the law. Then the lawyer asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" and Jesus told him this parable.
A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. During his journey, robbers stripped him of his belongings and beat him, leaving him there to die.
A priest was walking down the road and saw the beaten man, but continued to walk away. Later, a Levite also passed by the man and continued on his way; neither man offered their assistance.
Then, a Samaritan walked by and saw the man. Instead of walking away, he stopped and helped the man. He cleaned his wounds with oil and wine and bandaged them.
The Samaritan then put the injured man on his animal and brought him to an inn. He paid two denarii for the innkeeper to take care of him and also said he would pay for any other expenses needed.
This parable's message is to not judge a book by its cover and to not be prejudiced against anyone. The people we least expect can be the ones to offer help. Secondly, it teaches us that everyone is our neighbour and we should help anyone in need.
A lawyer came and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, and Jesus said to do what is written in the law. Then the lawyer asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" and Jesus told him this parable.
A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. During his journey, robbers stripped him of his belongings and beat him, leaving him there to die.
A priest was walking down the road and saw the beaten man, but continued to walk away. Later, a Levite also passed by the man and continued on his way; neither man offered their assistance.
Then, a Samaritan walked by and saw the man. Instead of walking away, he stopped and helped the man. He cleaned his wounds with oil and wine and bandaged them.
The Samaritan then put the injured man on his animal and brought him to an inn. He paid two denarii for the innkeeper to take care of him and also said he would pay for any other expenses needed.
This parable's message is to not judge a book by its cover and to not be prejudiced against anyone. The people we least expect can be the ones to offer help. Secondly, it teaches us that everyone is our neighbour and we should help anyone in need.
A lawyer came and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, and Jesus said to do what is written in the law. Then the lawyer asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" and Jesus told him this parable.
A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. During his journey, robbers stripped him of his belongings and beat him, leaving him there to die.
A priest was walking down the road and saw the beaten man, but continued to walk away. Later, a Levite also passed by the man and continued on his way; neither man offered their assistance.
Then, a Samaritan walked by and saw the man. Instead of walking away, he stopped and helped the man. He cleaned his wounds with oil and wine and bandaged them.
The Samaritan then put the injured man on his animal and brought him to an inn. He paid two denarii for the innkeeper to take care of him and also said he would pay for any other expenses needed.
This parable's message is to not judge a book by its cover and to not be prejudiced against anyone. The people we least expect can be the ones to offer help. Secondly, it teaches us that everyone is our neighbour and we should help anyone in need.
A lawyer came and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, and Jesus said to do what is written in the law. Then the lawyer asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" and Jesus told him this parable.
A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. During his journey, robbers stripped him of his belongings and beat him, leaving him there to die.
A priest was walking down the road and saw the beaten man, but continued to walk away. Later, a Levite also passed by the man and continued on his way; neither man offered their assistance.
Then, a Samaritan walked by and saw the man. Instead of walking away, he stopped and helped the man. He cleaned his wounds with oil and wine and bandaged them.
The Samaritan then put the injured man on his animal and brought him to an inn. He paid two denarii for the innkeeper to take care of him and also said he would pay for any other expenses needed.
This parable's message is to not judge a book by its cover and to not be prejudiced against anyone. The people we least expect can be the ones to offer help. Secondly, it teaches us that everyone is our neighbour and we should help anyone in need.
A lawyer came and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, and Jesus said to do what is written in the law. Then the lawyer asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" and Jesus told him this parable.
A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. During his journey, robbers stripped him of his belongings and beat him, leaving him there to die.
A priest was walking down the road and saw the beaten man, but continued to walk away. Later, a Levite also passed by the man and continued on his way; neither man offered their assistance.
Then, a Samaritan walked by and saw the man. Instead of walking away, he stopped and helped the man. He cleaned his wounds with oil and wine and bandaged them.
The Samaritan then put the injured man on his animal and brought him to an inn. He paid two denarii for the innkeeper to take care of him and also said he would pay for any other expenses needed.
This parable's message is to not judge a book by its cover and to not be prejudiced against anyone. The people we least expect can be the ones to offer help. Secondly, it teaches us that everyone is our neighbour and we should help anyone in need.
A lawyer came and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, and Jesus said to do what is written in the law. Then the lawyer asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" and Jesus told him this parable.
A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. During his journey, robbers stripped him of his belongings and beat him, leaving him there to die.
A priest was walking down the road and saw the beaten man, but continued to walk away. Later, a Levite also passed by the man and continued on his way; neither man offered their assistance.
Then, a Samaritan walked by and saw the man. Instead of walking away, he stopped and helped the man. He cleaned his wounds with oil and wine and bandaged them.
The Samaritan then put the injured man on his animal and brought him to an inn. He paid two denarii for the innkeeper to take care of him and also said he would pay for any other expenses needed.
This parable's message is to not judge a book by its cover and to not be prejudiced against anyone. The people we least expect can be the ones to offer help. Secondly, it teaches us that everyone is our neighbour and we should help anyone in need.