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My Dream Come true

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My Dream Come true
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  • One day, I was peacefully taking a nap after a long and tough day at school.
  • I suddenly woke up from a horrifying dream. I was breathing rapidly, trying to calm myself down.
  • Phew! It was just a silly dream. I should go see what is happening outside. It looks very dark and stormy.
  • All I could hear and focus on was the brutal wind hitting against the house. My baby brother wasn't crying, my dog wasn't barking and my parents were not talking or making noise.
  • I quickly noticed how the stairs were much more squeaky then usual and how the house was very silent. This scenario was very simliar to the one in my dream... How weird?
  • I made my way outside just to scare myself even more. Everything was dark and haunted looking. Shocked and alone, I didn't know what to do. Every window in every one of my neighbour's house were pitch black. I looked to my left, then right to find out that my parent's car was not in its place. I ran inside shrieking.
  • D-d-dad?
  • I decided to look for everyone starting off with my dad since I knew where he would most likely be, but he was not there.
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