no, you can easily just pay for it. You have money sis.
Should I grab a water bottle and just leave?
just take it. what is he gonna do? run after you?
How Rogers Sees Me
Well, I wouldn't usually skip school but one day won't hurt.
Are you coming with us?
How Adler Sees Me
You need to stop arguing with your little sister.
Freud states that peoples personality comes from conflicts of instincts and impulses based on the id, ego, and superego. The id would is the unconscious energy that has poor judgement and influences one to make the wrong decisions and the super ego is the opposite. The ego is the conscious part of personality that decides who to listen to. In the picture above the ego has to decide who to listen to.
How Eysenck Sees Me
since you used to be extroverted, that explains why I enjoy being the center of attentions sometimes.
I used to love to party, and I would always make new friends everywhere I went.
Rogers believes that people are naturally good unless impacted by environmental factors. In the picture above, the girl in the orange would usually go to school and not even think about skipping, but since some of her friends are leaving she is contemplating on also skipping.
How Bandura Sees Me
*loud laughter*
They're definitely laughing at me, this is so awkward.
Adler states that the children have different personalities based on their birth order. Older siblings usually have more responsibility and that can sometimes mean taking care of the younger children and younger kids are more rebellious and annoying.
How Horney Sees Me
can we hang out after school today?
Eysenck States that different factors of your personality are influenced by genetics. For example, the mom in the picture is telling her daughter how she used to be more extrovert and the the daughter then states that, that's the reason for her being so friendly and amicable.
Rogers proposes that people behaviors and emotions are influenced by interactions with other people and social situations. In the picture above, there are two friends just having a conversations and laughing and the girl in the red shirt feel as if they're laughing or making fun of her.
Horney stated that because of our childhood anxiety people are more inclined to seek for secure and love in relationships. In the picture, the younger sister is asking the older sister for time together in order to seek love.