Why it was just Cassio, your lieutenant. He asked me to talk with you about him, shall we talk now?
Who is that just leaving you?
No, not now I will get to the topic some point later.
It is a good job I was able to find this as my husband will be so happy, but I wonder what it is doing here?
I can't believe they would do this to me! I love Desdemona and I trusted Cassio, but no more! Iago you will be my new lieutenant.
I saw Cassio the other day cleaning his beard with Desdemona's Handkerchief.
This is the moment in Act 3 Scene 3 where Othello demonstrates Hamartia through his jealousy. The jealously Othello feels of Desdemona and Cassio, as shown in the scene above, is the flaw that ultimately leads to his downfall as it causes him to follow Iago's plan (Shakespeare. 3. 3. 31-84).
I hope you have prayed my lady because I do not want you dying as a sinner.
This is the moment in Act 3 Scene 3 where Othello's peripeteia is displayed. As Emilia finds Desdemona's handkerchief Othello's fortunes suddenly change because now Iago is able to plant the handkerchief and set his plan in action. (Shakespeare. 3. 3. 330-343).
She is gone now, killed by my own hands for being a cheat!
This is the moment in Act 3 Scene 3 where Othello demonstrates Hubris through his distrust of his wife. In this scene, his arrogance and complete trust in Iago causes him to start losing love and trust in Desdemona (Shakespeare. 3. 3. 491-546).
Remember me as the man I was not just the monster I became.
I have my Lord, but I have done nothing wrongful.
This is the moment in Act 5 Scene 2 where Othello demonstrates Ate through his complete trust in Iago. As Othello plans to kill Desdemona the last straw snaps destroying him and making him the monster we see at the end of the show completely influenced by Iago's "poison" (Shakespeare. 5. 2. 15-105).
Desdemona never cheated or even lied to you! I was the one who found the handkerchief and I gave it to Iago, he is the liar here!
This is the moment in Act 5 Scene 2 where Othello demonstrates Anagnorisis as Emilia reveals the truth. Othello's moment of truth is in this scene as Emilia puts together what she knows and tells Othello that Iago was the liar not Desdemona (Shakespeare. 5. 2. 106-192).
This is the moment in Act 5 Scene 2 where Othello demonstrates Nemesis through his final speech. In the end, Othello's inescapable justice is himself and his fate is to be with his love forever, so to do this he kills himself and tries to justify what he has done (Shakespeare. 5. 2. 397-435).
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