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SCI 206 Comic

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SCI 206 Comic
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  •  This is Josh. Josh put a sandwitch in the refridgerator to eat for later but how does this device work? 
  •  As Liquid Evaporates - Energy(heat) is absorbed 
  •  To first understand how refridgerators function, we will first have to state the relationship liquids have with heat 
  •  As Liquid Condenses - Energy (heat) is released 
  •  A Compressor 
  •  A thermal expansion device 
  •  Refridgerators are composed of 4 main components 
  •  Evaporator and Condenser Coils 
  •  Refrigerant - Typically 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoethane in modern fridges 
  • Refrigerant is passed through the thermal expansion device through the evaporator coils. Going through the coils, the drop in pressure causes the liquid to expand, and begin evaporating. This causes it to begin absorbing heat within the fridge
  •  Low Pressure cools and refridgerant begins to evaporate 
  •  Heat from Items inside the fridge are absorbed 
  •  Hot refridgerant cools 
  • Inside the compressor, the liquid experiences high pressure making the refridgerant extremely hot. As it leaves the pump, it is already in a vapor state. As the liquid leave through the compressor in the condenser coils, the heat from the refridgerant dissipates into the atmosphere turning it back into a liquid and the now liquid refridgerant is in turn brough back to the thermal expansion valve.
  •  Compressure adds pressure to the refridgerant and releases it through condenser coils 
  • This process repeats itself creating the basis of how a modern refridgerator works. Heat is absorbed through an evaporating liquid, and then afterwards released outside of the refridgerator into the atmosphere. Through this method, Josh can be assured that his sandwitch will be kept cool for as long as he likes.
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