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In a wonderful day, the cicada, was playing violon and dancing.

Sorry! we are storing food for this upcomming winter. We are working and you ? What are you doing? Should'nt you be doing the same?

Winter?! I don't need to worry about that! we've got enough food for the moment! Be happy, don't work and play with me!

And one day, he found himself freezing and starving to death on the first winter days, now he regrets not listening to the ants.

The grasshopper ignored the ants advice and continued to enjoy his nice day.

He says: "I like playing violon, singing and dancing"

I know... I understand now.

Please, can you give me some food? I'm hungry.

You should worked and stored food instead of laying around the whole summer..

Come join us we have got enough food to share

The grasshopper invited the ants to join him for a discussion.

The grasshopper saw that all that work the ants put in the summer paid off and he learned his lesson for next time. If you want to succeed tomorrow, you have to start working today.

There's a time for working and a time for playing.

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