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  • French Revolution Storyboard
  • Intro
  • Storming of the Bastille
  • free prisoners!!!
  • by; alex kolbusz
  • March on Versailles
  • Its not right we are starving give us food
  • let them eat cookies
  • French in the late 1780s was a place of economic, politcal, and social conflicts. There were many poor peasants and farmers who had little wealth. There are many rich people who kept the wealth. The people overthew the king and queen. Here are three major events from the French Revolution.
  • Reign of Terror
  • you are going to jail
  • An angry mob attacked he Battle prison because it was a symbol of the king's power. It was a step towards demoracy because the mob did not want a kig or queen.
  • The end
  • An angry mob marched into Versailles because they were starving. This was a step towards democracy because it gave the people cofidence and power to stand up to the king.
  • Robespierre controlled the Commitee of Public Saftey, and his task was to prtect the revolution from enemies. He thought many French citizens were enemies and had many people unfairly executed.
  • There were many effects of the French Revolution. The king and queen were overthrown and replaced by Napoleon, many people were killed, and conditions got worse for the people. It was a step towards, democracy because they over threw the monarchy, but it was not a success because Napoleon crowned himself emperor, and people did not get the right to vote.
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