Hello there my name is Ricky the raindrop and today I will tell you about my adventure in the water cycle.
And I remembered that when evaporating water turns into water vapor.
I was traveling around the ocean when I started to feel hot and not too long after that I started evaporating.
I was a little scared until another raindrop talked to me.
Don't worry, this is just another phase of our water cycle called condensation.
It is the phase of a liquid turning into a water vapor into a cloud.
after that I felt that I was falling and I was really scared until the other raindrop talked to me again.
Don't be scared again this is also another phase of the water cycle. we are just precipitating from the clouds as rain and we'll be back home very soon.
After falling from the clouds i made it to land near some hills or mountain and I then flowed down which is called a runoff.
After flowing down the mountain or hills I finally been stored in the ocean again where I accumulated and made it back to my home successfully.
And this is where my story ends and ii hope for another water cycle soon it was happy meeting you goodbye.
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