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saying no to peer pressure

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saying no to peer pressure
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  • Saying NO to peer pressure
  • If you have a Boyfriend or girlfriend and they are trying to pressure you into doing something or going somewhere that you're not comfortable with. just tell them Hey I don't feel comfortable with doing that type of stuff. If they don't respect your decisions then maybe it's time to start distancing yourself from them. If you're being pressured or you're pressuring them to do things then that's not a very healthy relationship.
  • I Don't feel comfortable with doing that
  • I dont care do it anyways.
  • how to know if your in a healthy relationship is to see if they try pressuring you into doing uncomfortable things out of your comfort zone. if they don't pressure you or force you to do anything then you are most likely in a healthy relationship.#160;
  • yeah! I'm okay with it thank you for making sure tho!
  • Do you wanna go somewhere with me? if you don't feel comfortable we dont have to.
  • MOM? Yes? can i go hangout with a couple of friends? Yes, but remember what i have always told you. say no to anything if they try to make you do things you know you will later regret. I know. I will not let them tell me what to do.#160;
  • I Want you to go with us and go get a couple drinks! you down? says one of her friends. No i'm#160;not down because we are young and i don't#160;ever want to drink. Oh come on it will be fun. says her friend again. I said#160;no. so stop trying to get me to do this. You are going#160;to be just#160;fine it's#160;not going to hurt you.Yes it can it risks your life and it's#160;not good for you. I'm choosing to not risk my life and if you don't#160;accept that then i'm#160;not going to be friends with any of you anymore. Fine then dont be our friend anymore we dont care. Okay Bye!!
  • I said no so leave me alone. Goodbye!
  • Your being so lame. Just come with us and drink.
  • Hi Honey! How was hanging out with your friends? Not fun i'm#160;not friends with any of them anymore. Why not? Because they were all pressuring me into drinkin and i kept on telling them no and they wouldn't#160;accept the fact that I kept saying no. So I told them if they dont stop asking me and trying to pressure me then i'm#160;not going to be there friend anymore. Then they said that's#160;what they want. Omg i am so sorry honey. But I'm super proud of you for saying no! Thanks mom.
  • Thank you mom!
  • I'm so proud of you honey!
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