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Storyboard Description

Child Poisoning PSA for TV Prod 1 class

Storyboard Text

  • Title
  • The World Around Them
  • Shot: 1 Frame: A
  • Shot: 1 Frame: B
  • Store medications in a place that is too high for young children to reach or see.
  • Make sure they are in child-resistant packaging
  • Never leave children alone with medicines
  • CGDuration: 0:00-0:01Audio 1 (Music): suspenseful music (continues through whole video)
  • Shot: 2 Frame: A
  • Angle: Extreme Long Shot/Subjective ShotDuration: 0:02-0:07Audio 2 (Voice-Over): The world can seem a very interesting place for childrenTransition: Dissolve
  • Shot: 2 Frame: B
  • Bleach
  • Angle: Close-Up/Subjective ShotDuration: 0:08-0:10Transition: Fade
  • Shot: 3 Frame: A
  • Angle: Long Shot/Subjective ShotDuration: 0:11-0:15Audio 3 (Background Noise): water falling from showerTransition: Dissolve
  • Angle: Close-Up/Subjective ShotDuration: 0:16-0:18Audio 3 (Background Noise): water falling from showerTransition: Fade
  • Symptoms of poisoning can include: vomitingstomach painsconfusiondrowsiness and fainting fits
  • Shampoo
  • Angle: Long Shot/Subjective ShotDuration: 0:19-0:21Transition: Fade
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