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  • Panning shot, to zoom in on me sitting on a chair.(10 second) (library/classroom whatever's more convenient.)
  • "hard copy books, people have advocated for them for years but are they truly as good as they say"
  • Zoom out then Following shot. (library/classroom whatever's more convenient.)(10 second)
  • 'I am hear to tell you the truth about these ''precious'' books . That these book are destroying and ravaging our precious environment''
  • Hallway or blank background. (30 seconds )
  • For every hard copy book produced 7.5kg of CO2 is released into the atmosphere and if you take into account that in 2015 in china 470,000 titles were created and if we assume that one book is made for each title 3,525,000 kg of CO2 was released in that year alone.
  • Sunkist bay (following shot)(20 seconds)
  • Water is another precious resource, which book consume. Every year 153 billion gallons of water or 579,168,002.952 liters of water is used in the paper mills to produce books.
  • Close up shot on me (library/classroom whatever's more convenient) (15 seconds)
  • So inconclusion books are brutal environment destroyers and are now things of the past and it is finally time to look to the future leave these environment killers behind.
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