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Évolution theory

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Évolution theory
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  • The mutations are random changes of DNA. DNA is like a recipe to cook. This recipe produces proteins associated to a cake. These changes can be good for the cake, bad or don't change the flavour.
  • 19th century
  • Thanks to his travels, The scientist Charles Darwin discovered that the environment selects some characters to facilitate the reproduction between individuals. He called that : the natural selection. He discovered without knowing it a key mechanism of evolution.
  • Charles Darwin : 1809-1882
  • EXAMPLE : The bird will eat the butterflies which are the most visible ( here the whites). So, the browns will still alive and will reproduce between them with their good quality called gene. As it’s a hereditary trait, their descendants will live more longer and they will reproduce. In conclusion, this new generation of brown butterflies will live better over the generations.
  • Now, Let's talk about the the Genetic Drift. This mechanism is a change of genes due to accidental events. It's totally random. Compare to the natural selection, this change is not especially an advantage for the population ; but not a disadvantage. This mechanism is very important in small populations because individuals are not numerous ; the genes are transmitted faster.
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • EXAMPLE : Imagine there is a population of black and red bettles. If some black beetles are accidentally crashing, the population will be less numerous. It's totally random beacause we could have crushed the reds... So, the red beetles will reproduce between them by transmitting their red genes. The black genes will be transmitted to fewer individuals.
  • Darwin was the first to describe the evolution theory. Howeover, there were lots of debats between creationists and darwinists around this new idea. Teachers who learned this theory were arrested because some people said God created humans. But the others said that religion is different that sciences. Now, we can learn at school this theory.Today, there are again 40% of Americans who still thinking that God created Humanity.
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