Before actually claiming Rupert's land John A MacDonald sent out surveyors to survey the land. They planned to cut the land into squares so that it could be claimed by settlers. Once the surveyors reached the metis land they had laid their chains across the land. The french speaking owner was not able to make the metis understand that they had taken over the land. So the metis ran for help and 90 minutes later they came back with 16 horseman and their leader Louis Riel. He told them in English that “you go no further” this land belongs to monsieur Marion
John A MacDonald had decided there would be no self government in the north west, only a lieutenant governor which was William McDougall. He was anti french, anti catholic, arrogant, mean, and not a wise choice. The metis feared that he would put his own followers in positions of powers. McDougall took a route through the U.S to get to the red river post. The metis knew that McDougall had no status until the deal was signed. So they blocked the only trail north from from the U.S into red river. On the day Canada was supposed to take over McDougall then read the proclamation. Canada needed to resolve its difference with the red river people. McDougall came back after 6 weeks defeated.
There was a rumor that Canada wanted to take over fort Garry because it was filled with guns, food and supplies and it was perfect for Louis Riel own men. In a few minutes Riel and his men took over the fort. They needed the fort for three reasons. 1 is to keep the Canadians from taking command, 2 is to have access to supplies and, 3 is to make the Canadian government to take them seriously.By taking over they effectively ended the rule of the Hudson's Bay Company in the north west.
The Metis stopped Canada from taking over, and showed that Hudson's Bay did not rule that region no more. Riel set up a meeting with the French and English at red river and asked for a list of rights for the region. This made Riel feel ready to declare a provisional government for the region. The English refused to join because they did not want to seem as traitors to the British crown. Riel and his followers declared their own provisional government and worked hard to convince the English to support them. After a lot of meetings the English and the French had decided to support Riel.
Throughout all the meetings a small group of Canadians shouted insults to the French, Metis and the Catholic so the government locked some of the men up to ensure no violence will take place. One imprisoned man by the name of Thomas Scott was a very violent man and had attacked a Metis with an axe and also threatened to shoot Riel. The Metis took action and charged him for treason and put him on trial. He was found guilty and the punishment was death, he was shot March,4,1870. There were a lot of residents not happy with what happened. But the Orangemen of Ontario had the worst reaction and had demanded the Canadian government to send military troops to punish the men responsible for Scott's death.
In the middle of the red river drama, 3 negotiators headed to Ottawa to meet with John a macdonald and his ally George Etienne Cartier. Macdonald thought he could use his cunning skills to outmanoeuvre the Westerns. But he was wrong and ritchot insisted that the people of the red river region be treated as equal as the Canadain citizens. On May, 12, 1870 Macdonald finally agreed to all the negotiators terms and the Manitboa act was born.
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