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Macbeth's transformation Act I

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Macbeth's transformation Act I
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  • Where shall we meet again sisters?
  • We shall meet in an empty field, after battle.
  • Where we will meet Macbeth.
  • The brave Macbeth did not hesitate to defeat Macdonald.
  • I heard he cut him open and put his head on a steak.
  • Eww. They're ugly!
  • Macbeth, you will be Thane of Cawdor, and then named King.
  • Act 1 Scene 1: The three witches meetup to discuss their next meeting. They decide to meet after the battle in an empty field where they will meet Macbeth.
  • You must look like a welcoming host, but be an evil serpent underneath
  • Duncan is coming tonight.
  • Act 1 Scene 2: Duncan ask the captain about news from the battle. They tell him that Macbeth killed the traitor and leave out no details of how he did so.
  • Tonight, we wish to serve you.
  • Oh! Where is the Thane of Cawdor?
  • Act 1 Scene 3: The witches meetup again, but this time they meet Macbeth. They tell him that he will be Thane of Cawdor and then king. They proceed by telling Banquo that his children will kings.
  • Stop crying and go back up there! We will kill him tonight whether you like it or not!
  • I'm freaking out! I don't know if i can kill him anymore.
  • Act 1 Scene 5: Lady Macbeth is sent a letter that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and king, but he must undergo great challenges for this to happen. Macbeth then says that Duncan will be joining them for dinner.
  • Act 1 Scene 6: Duncan arrives with his royal servants and compliments the castle's atmosphere. Lady Macbeth shows her hospitality to everyone.
  • Act 1 Scene 7: While everything is happening upstairs, Macbeth is having a mental breakdown in the basement. Lady Macbeth comes down stairs and "encourages" him to go back upstairs and go forward with the plan later.
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