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Comic Strip Project
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  • Umm no. I don't want to. Are you sure that's okay?
  • Hey! Casey! After math class we're going to the bathroom to vape wanna come? It's fine!
  • I already said I don't want to.
  • Come with us Casey! It's not bad! Vaping doesn't hurt you. You'll be cool and popular like us! Or else we'll tell everyone who you like.
  • Idiot!
  • No..
  • Weirdo!
  • Are you going to come with us? Whatever your weird anyways. You better not tell anyone. If you do I'm never talking to you again. You don't have any other friends besides us anyways.
  • Don't worry they won't hurt you! And your amazing sweetie! Anyone would want to be friends with you.
  • My friends were peer pressuring me to vape and I said no. Now they hate me and I have no friends. I told a teacher and she talked with all of them and they got suspended but I don't want to get bullied because I told a teacher.
  • Oh Honey! We are so sorry that happened to you. But we are glad you told us.
  • Hey! What's your name? My name is Casey! Sure!
  • My name is Stacy! What's your name? I know we just met but do you want to sit next to me at lunch?
  • Hey Casey meet my friend Lila!
  • Hey Lila! Do you want to eat lunch with us?
  • Sure!
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