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EDUC 376 Technology Profile Storyboard

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EDUC 376 Technology Profile Storyboard
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  • I love technology!
  • Love of TechnologyBy: Ashley Cutter
  • Do you want to watch a movie?
  • Sure! There is this one movie that I have been wanting to watch. We should watch it together right now.
  • I am going to facetime my friend.
  • Ashley loves technology and everything that it allows her to be able to do even though it can be frustrating sometimes when it doesn't work correctly. Ashley feels like technology is great to use in everyday life.
  • I am unsure about a topic in one of my college classes. I am going to go online to try to learn more information.
  • Technology allows Ashley to do fun things with friends when she has free time.
  • Your classroom is looking great!
  • Thank you! I got all of my ideas online.
  • Technology allows Ashley to stay connected to her friends, receive important information, and be able to do anything that she needs to from anywhere that she is at.
  • Technology has so many great uses! What if all of this technology wasn't available to use!
  • Technology allows Ashley to learn more things in her college classes, learn things more effectively, and just gain new knowledge in a fun and interesting way.
  • Technology allows Ashley to get new ideas for her future classroom along with new ideas for lessons, activities, games, and other resources that are beneficial to an education classroom.
  • There are so many benefits of technology in everyday life. Technology is especially effective, helpful, and useful in education classrooms.
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